Kiwi Coast

Book a Workshop

Kiwi Coast runs free practical skill building and educational workshops for groups and projects linked into the network. We can customise these to suit your needs...

Please use the form below to book a workshop. Once the date has been confirmed, Kiwi Coast can help create and supply digital and printed flyers and posters, as well as helping to spread the word on social media and via our events page.

  • Workshops

  • Tick any which you would like created to promote your event. See examples of the workshop flyers and posters at the top of the page.
  • If you don't yet know where the workshop will be held, just enter 'not sure' in the box below.
  • Please include the max number for your venue.
  • Please enter one or more possible dates or notes around best month and best days of the week. Note that most workshops are held on a Sunday.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Kiwi Coast Events